The basic unit weapon of the 507th is the M-1 Garand Rifle and we use it at most of our events. The optional weapons are other rifles, machine guns and side arms that can be added to your impression. Don't get too worried about purchasing a rifle right away, the M-1 rifle is a sizable investment and can cost anywhere from $600 up to $2,000. Keep in mind that there are some unit members who have spare rifles to loan out as you're getting started in the hobby.
U.S. RIFLE, Cal .30, M-1 U.S. RIFLE, Cal .30, M-1903 U.S. CARBINE, Cal .30, M1 or M1A1 MACHINE GUN, Cal .30, M-1919A4 MORTAR, 60-mm, M2 PISTOL, Cal. 45, Automatic, M-1911 or M1911A1 ROCKET LAUNCHER, 2.36 Inch, M1A1 SUBMACHINE GUN, Cal .45, M1A1 SUBMACHINE GUN, Cal .45, M3 BAYONETS & KNIVES BAYONET, M1 with SCABBARD, M7 KNIFE, Pocket, M2, Parachutist’s KNIFE, Trench, M3 with SCABBARD, M6 or M8 EXPLOSIVES GRENADE, Hand, Fragmentation, Mk II GRENADE, Hand, Smoke, Colored, M18 GRENADE, Gammon GRENADE, Rifle, Antitank, M9 A1 MINE, Hawkins |