In honor of the Marine Corp's 69th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, I thought it would be fun to do an impression of an actual Iwo Jima flag raiser from the famous Joe Rosenthal photograph. This was a pretty easy impression for me to put together as I have a pretty complete Marine Corps uniform and equipment collection. The uniform consists of an M1 helmet with a Marine camouflage helmet cover, a cloth utility cap, a set of P41 Marine Corps dungarees, an Army M41 field jacket, leggings and a pair of Boondocker boots. I wore only the equipment worn by Franklin Sousley. Sousley was always thought to be the flag raiser standing behind John Bradley, but based on what he is wearing and his equipment, I am positive that he is in the second slot behind Harlon Block in front. Please visit my website to learn more about the flag raising and the 5th Marine Division in World War II and Vietnam.
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UNIFORM OF THE MONTHI love deciding which unique uniform impression I want to put together each month. Follow me right here to see what's next! ARCHIVES
July 2015